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Sarah Nannery

Quiet, Quirky, and Bright - An Autistic Woman


What to Say Next: Successful Communication in Work, Life and Love with Autism Spectrum Disorder


By Sarah and Larry Nannery

Tiller Press, Simon & Schuster (Mar 2021)

​Larry and I offer a

communication guide for success

in a neurotypical world, while staying true to yourself.

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Join me on Instagram and Twitter @sarahnannery, and on Facebook at Quirky and Bright.

Follow the #ActuallyAutistic hashtag for authentic voices and real-time community updates.

Sign up to get my Top 5 Things to Know about Autism!

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Quick Links

I'm blogging about Autism, communication, life, books, and being an autistic woman diagnosed as an adult. Come sit with me for a cup of tea and some quiet, quirky reading time.



Read posts about what it's like to be an Autistic adult, from someone with first-hand experience.



What's it like to grow up as an Autistic person? In these posts I share memories from my own childhood.





Myths about Autism still abound - in these posts, I unpack some of them.

Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication

Autistic communication can be a little different than the "norm." Explore why.



What's it like to be the Autistic parent of an Autistic child? Find out!



In these posts I share links and my thoughts about books, articles, and other useful     Autism resources.

In the News
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Sarah and Larry talk with WHYY's Marty Moss-Coane about Autism and how they work together as a neurodiverse couple.

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"We are better together." Larry and Sarah share with Mona and Manecia some of the lessons they have learned in their 10 years together.

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Along with Drexel colleague, Elisabeth Sheridan, Sarah shares her story with Fox29's Alex Holley, discussing Autism in women and adult diagnosis.



Click through for my thoughts on Autism/Neurodiversity books, articles, videos, blogs, websites, and organizations that I have found along the way, including links to explore.


ASD and Long-Term Relationships

by Ashley Stanford

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Sarah Nannery's Headshot

Hi! I'm quiet, quirky, and bright. My name is Sarah Nannery. I'm a cis-gender woman, mother, and writer. I have suspected all my life, and now know, that I am Autistic.


Recently I have begun to explore this aspect of my life more deeply.

This website and blog are the public side of that exploration, where I am sharing my own experiences in the hope that others who are on a similar path will find resources and common ground. If there's something I can help you with, let me know!


I would love to hear from you. Your message will land in my email and I will respond in kind.

Follow Me:

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